What's new in 2025?

What's new in 2025?

2025 is well under way, and we're excited for the year ahead!
Webinar: The Ultimate Exam Preparation for Teachers

Webinar: The Ultimate Exam Preparation for Teachers

  Exams are an integral and unavoidable area of schooling that can often overwhelm teachers and students. It’s one area of school leadership that involves many contributors and can often be cast ...
Webinar: Activating Student Agency Remotely

Webinar: Activating Student Agency Remotely

  “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned at school” - Albert Einstein Schools have the difficult task of striking a balance between providing an education that st...
Neap Exam Administration Checklist

Neap Exam Administration Checklist

Download the Neap Exam Administration Checklist.
Neap listed in the Top 30 EdTech companies of Australia

Neap listed in the Top 30 EdTech companies of Australia

Neap has been listed in the Top 30 EdTech companies in Australia by StartupLanes.
Teachers are solar panels – they charge during the summer

Teachers are solar panels – they charge during the summer

At the end of every school year there is a sigh of exhaustion tinged with a sense of accomplishment. School staff might experience a new and deeper form of fatigue this year.
Working smarter not harder in 2022

Working smarter not harder in 2022

As if we don’t already feel it or know it, 2021 has been one of the toughest years to be a teacher.
NEAP listed on the HolonIQ 2021 ANZ EdTech Top 50

NEAP listed on the HolonIQ 2021 ANZ EdTech Top 50

AWARDED: Neap Top 50 HolonIQ 2021
Introducing new technologies smoothly in schools

Introducing new technologies smoothly in schools

All Australian students have experienced interruptions to their education over the past 2 years due to COVID.
Moving from a teaching culture to a learning culture

Moving from a teaching culture to a learning culture

Many academics have suggested that the rapid uptake of new technologies in schools can lead us to shift from, “a teaching culture to a learning culture.”
Blended learning: the best of both worlds?

Blended learning: the best of both worlds?

Teachers in New South Wales and Victoria have been challenged beyond their wildest expectations continuously pivoting and re-designing their curriculum with limited notice and resources. The pandem...
No more “busy” work for teachers

No more “busy” work for teachers

Not all schoolwork needs to be corrected by teachers. Just as we avoid drowning our students in busy work, it’s time we stopped doing it to ourselves. Auto marking is a valuable innovation that gi...
No FOMO just FOP

No FOMO just FOP

I’m sure you’ve heard of the phrase FOMO (fear of missing out) or perhaps you’re more akin with POMO (pleasure of missing out)? However, today I heard a new adaption to this phrase that echoed a s...
Informal and dynamic professional development

Informal and dynamic professional development

Teachers cannot be expected to create dynamic learning communities among students if they don’t have a parallel community that nourishes them professionally. Nor can teachers authentically cultiva...
Teaching to the middle means only the “middle” learn

Teaching to the middle means only the “middle” learn

The adage “teaching to the middle” was one piece of advice I received as an overwhelmed Graduate. I was astonished by the spread of abilities and the range of engagement from students in my class....
The dynamics of delivery: Emergency Remote Learning (ERL)

The dynamics of delivery: Emergency Remote Learning (ERL)

What millions of students around the world are experiencing right now on Zoom and other conferencing platforms is not online learning but rather remote learning.
Automated Marking – Wishes do come true.

Automated Marking – Wishes do come true.

The pandemic has put a spotlight on education. It’s forced us to evaluate how we use technology to effectively benefit teachers and students.
Providing timely and effective feedback is not always humanly possible

Providing timely and effective feedback is not always humanly possible

Marking assessments and giving student feedback is crucial to educational practice. This single element contributes significantly to student learning.
The importance of exam practice

The importance of exam practice

The reality of being a Year 11 and 12 teacher is giving your students adequate preparation for their exams and final tests. Whether the assessment is internally or externally marked a senior teache...
John Hattie series part 4: Does deliberate practice improve student outcomes?

John Hattie series part 4: Does deliberate practice improve student outcomes?

This article is part four of the John Hattie series of articles. Deliberate practice is defined as putting a sustained effort into improving performance in a specific skill, such as learning to pl...
John Hattie series part 3: How students’ awareness of thinking improves grades

John Hattie series part 3: How students’ awareness of thinking improves grades

This article is part three of the John Hattie series of articles. While there are many objectives a teacher sets out to achieve with students at the beginning of the school year, a key goal is t...
John Hattie series part 2: Why student self-perception is key to exam success

John Hattie series part 2: Why student self-perception is key to exam success

This article is part two of the John Hattie series of articles. In social psychology, self-perception is the view an individual forms of themselves based on their behaviours. For example, if you h...
John Hattie series part 1: Key assessment practices that impact student performance

John Hattie series part 1: Key assessment practices that impact student performance

This article is part one of the John Hattie series of articles. Assessment is a cyclical process. From formative assessment during learning time, to summative assessment at the end of term, a cons...
Technology cannot transcend the teacher

Technology cannot transcend the teacher

Australian teachers have long felt undervalued as a profession however, since remote learning has become part of our educational landscape the true impact and appreciation for good teachers has blo...
Are we on the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Are we on the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Robotics, artificial intelligence, blockchain, smart phones, cloud computing, 3D printing, metadata, analytics, automated marking and curated learning plans.
Using testing to develop Growth Mindset

Using testing to develop Growth Mindset

Testing is a critical component to teaching and yet it can often be a “dirty word” in education. Teaching senior students inherently involves constantly delivering and creating regular formal and i...
The Bard Bites Back – A Resource for Teaching Shakespeare

The Bard Bites Back – A Resource for Teaching Shakespeare

Students can sometimes find Shakespeare hard to understand and appreciate, in part because the language is 400 years old. It may be the greatest dramatic poetry ever written, but it is also from an...
Achieving autonomy in learning: a psychological approach

Achieving autonomy in learning: a psychological approach

As technology advances at an increasingly rapid rate, it is becoming all the more important for students to be able to adapt and develop the skills necessary for lifelong learning. They are enterin...
Finding a place for creativity in the curriculum

Finding a place for creativity in the curriculum

Sir Ken Robinson, one of the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation, famously explains in his Ted Talk that the current industrial-age model of education is robbing students of the cha...